MKHS Theatre Production: THE ADDAMS FAMILY
- What
- MKHS Theatre Production: THE ADDAMS FAMILY
- When
- 3/17/2023, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Mark Keppel High School is proud to announce its spring musical: The ADDAMSFAMILY
Get yourtickets ($12 presale) at:
(Note: ticketswill be $15 at the door.)
You have fourperformances to choose from:
- Fridays, March 10th & 17th at 7:00pm
- Saturdays, March 11th & 18th at 2:00pm
The musicalcomedy is based on the characters of Charles Addams, which were firstintroduced to television audiences through the 1960's sitcom of the same name.This version focuses on a new story about Gomez and Morticia's only daughter,Wednesday, who has found herself in love with a "normal" boy, much toher parents' dismay
The MKHSproduction features 24 actors, 25 tech theatre students, and 50 orchestramembers. The students have been working hard on the music, dance, and set sincethe second week of January.
The show isdirected by Page Phillips, with musical direction by Justin Lee, vocal directionby Marcelo Martinez, dance direction by Caitlin Testa, and technical directionby Tim Gillette.
This musicalis suitable for everyone from ages 5 to 105! We encourage our community to comeand celebrate MKHS' return to musical theatre with this hilarious and heartfeltmusical comedy, THE ADDAMS FAMILY.