Multi Tiered System of Supports
Dr. Wendy Molina-Solis, Director of MTSS
Kimberly Carrillo, Executive Secretary

AUSD's Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Department's vision is to create a framework built upon a comprehensive system of equity that focuses on CCSS, core instruction, differentiated learning, student-centered learning, individualized student needs, and the alignment of systems necessary for all students' academic, behavioral and social success. In AUSD, our underlying objective within Educational Services and within MTSS is to ensure equity among all schools and as such, create systems utilizing Implementation Science to continually analyze, monitor and determine program effectiveness to not only meet the needs of our students demonstrating an opportunity gap but also motivate all our students to perform to the best of their potential in a supportive, learning environment that focuses on the whole child.
The MTSS department in AUSD continuously re-evaluates how equitably the District supports students' Social Emotional Learning (SEL) through Positive Behaviors Interventions and Supports (PBIS). We realized we needed to incorporate more of our students' voice in our processes and as such, we collaborated with USC to bring Peer Leaders Uniting Students (PLUS) into our schools to strengthen our work in PBIS. We also work at strengthening our first instructional practices through Cognitive Coaching for teachers provided by our Instructional Coaches. In addition we are providing content aligned assessments to guide instruction while also offering comprehensive intervention supports provided in the classroom through small group work as well as through a push-in or push-out method provided by our Intervention Specialists. We look at delivering interactive, enriching GATE lessons using DOK levels while also utilizing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) instructional strategies to enhance the learning experience for all our students. A collaborative team has worked to strengthen our Student Success Team (SST) process District wide to ensure all supports and resources have been exhausted in our general education program with consistent progress monitoring, including the meeting of a team of educational professionals in collaboration with parents. With ongoing, structured analysis of these systems using Implementation Science and Evidence Based Practices, AUSD aims to provide high quality, rigorous, equitable instruction and access within a supportive, student-centered learning environment for all students.

What areas are under MTSS?
- Assessments
- Intervention
- SSTs
- Instructional Coaches
- Middle School Ethnic Studies
- Behavioral Assist Team
- Short -Term Independent Study