Adult Education Information for:
Transcript Requests
Welcome to the Alhambra Unified School District Adult Education Information Page. Note, that as of June 30, 2011, all Alhambra Unified School District Adult Education classes have closed and will not reopen until further notice.
For Transcripts please go to
For GED information please go to
Area Programs:
Baldwin Park Adult (626) 939-4456
Bassett Adult School (626) 931-3100
East Los Angeles Occupational Center (323) 276- 7000 - Website:
East Los Angeles Skill Center (323) 224-5970
El Monte/Rosemead Adult "Ramona Center" (626) 258-5800
Montebello Adult (323) 887-7844
Monrovia (626) 471-3035
Pasadena USD - Twilight Adult Ed. (626) 396-5640
Schurr Adult (323) 887-3088
Temple City (626) 548-5050
Tri-City Community Adult (Covina, CA) (626) 974-4200