PowerSchool Online Enrollment
The Alhambra Unified School District is excited to announce the PowerSchool online student enrollment system. The system is a secure and streamlined process which allows the District to verify all student demographics, emergency and medical information. The system will also allow families to electronically sign the annual permission forms. In short, this online process replaces many of the hard copy student enrollment and permission forms that students bring home on the first day of school.
Support Videos/Documents Requirement Form | [English] [Español] [中文] [Tiếng Việt]
Instructional Video for returning students:
Required Documents
Verification of Student Birth Date (at least one)
Proof of Residence (3 items )
Parent/Guardian Identification
Immunization Records
*Attention 7th and 8th grade Parents: Tdap Booster must be updated
( The last dose must be given on or after student’s seventh birthday)
School Transfer Paperwork
Last report card (needed for proper placement)
Individualized Education Program (IEP):
Required for students receiving special education services.
Section 504 Plan:
Required for students receiving accommodations and modifications
Upon submission, you will need to contact the school and make an appointment to bring in the required documents for verification.
Additional Forms/Guides
Enrollment Health History | [English] [Español] [中文] | Grade Level Placement Based Solely on DOB [School Year 2024-2025] [School Year 2023-2024] |
Caregiver Affidavit | [English] [Español] [中文] | Verification of Residence | [English] |
Homeless Non-Permanent Residence - McKinney Vento Act | [English/Español/Tiếng Việt] | Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry | [English] |
How to Order Birth Certificates | [English] | Report of Health Examination for School Entry | [English] [Español] |
Free Low Cost Immunization Clinics | [English] | California School Immunization Record Card | [English] |
Oral Health Assessment Requirement Form | [English] |
Please be informed of the possibility that your child may be transferred to another school within the Alhambra Unified School District, due to maximum student enrollment in certain grade levels at your neighborhood school. The criterion for enrollment of students to another school is based on the date and time the student completes registration. If it becomes necessary to transfer a student, the last enrolled student will be the first student moved to another school.
All students transferred to another school will be enrolled in their neighborhood school at the beginning of the following school year. If your student is transferred, it will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to transport the child to the overflow school. We reserve the right to ask for additional verification if necessary. Home visits may be conducted by school and/or district personnel to verify your child’s residence. Any changes in address or phone number must be reported immediately.