Uniform Complaint Procedures

The Board of Education recognizes that the district has the primary responsibility for ensuring that it complies with applicable state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. The district shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level. The district shall follow the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) when addressing complaints.

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Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) – Harassment, Discrimination, Intimidation


UCP Annual Notice    English  Chinese   Spanish

UCP Complaint Form   English  Chinese   Spanish


Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures –Textbooks, Instructional Materials, School Facilities, Teacher Vacancies or Misassignments


Williams UCP Posting   English   Chinese   Spanish  

Williams UCP Complaint Form   English   Chinese   Spanish



Compliance Officers

The Board of Education designates the following compliance officers to receive and investigate complaints and ensure district compliance with law.


Chief Uniform Compliant Officer:

Lindsey Ma

Assistant Superintendent Student Support Services



School Nutrition:

Mr. William Fong

Director Food Services



Consolidated Categorical Aid, Economic Impact Aid/State Compensatory Education(EIA/SCE), State Programs for Students of Limited English Proficience, (EIA/LEP), Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA), Title I, Title IV

Lily Jarvis

Director of Educational Equity and Accountability



Gender Equity/Title IX

John Scanlan
Assistant Superintendent-Human Resources
(626) 943-3060


Special Education

Janet Lees

Assistant Superintendent Educational Services
