Media » Press Coverage

Press Coverage

World Journal - Yanely Espinal with Tony Thurmond and Anthony Portantino10/09/2024: 加州高中理財教育 廳長深入校園宣導  Featured in the World Journal.  To read the entire article in Chinese, go to:
World Journal - PACES (5/07/24)05/07/2024: 子女叛逆期 阿罕布拉學區峰會助家長了解  Featured in the World Journal.  To read the entire article in Chinese, go to:
World Journal - Rose Parade Float12/30/2023: 阿罕布拉慶龍年花車 耀眼.  Featured in the World Journal.  To read the entire article in Chinese, go to:
World Journal - Taiwan Delegation Visits Northrup12/10/2023: 新北校長團 訪阿罕布拉學區.  Featured in the World Journal.  To read the entire article in Chinese, go to:
World Journal - Taiwan Delegation Visits SGHS12/10/2023: 新北校長團 訪阿罕布拉學區.  Featured in the World Journal.  To read the entire article in Chinese, go to:
World Journal - 24 Hour Fitness/Playworks at Marguerita School11/29/2023: 24 Hour Fitness捐24萬 遊戲助24校學童健康.  Featured in the World Journal.  To read the entire article in Chinese, go to:
World Journal - Student Board Members08/05/2023:  阿罕布拉學區教委會 2華生出任代表.  Featured in the World Journal.  To read the entire article in Chinese, go to: