MTSS » MTSS- What is it?

MTSS- What is it?

Dr. Wendy Molina-Solis, Director of MTSS
Kimberly Carrillo, Executive Secretary
California's Multi-Tiered System of Support (CA MTSS) is a comprehensive framework that aligns academic, behavioral, social and emotional learning, and mental health supports in a fully integrated system of support for the benefit of all students. CA MTSS offers the potential to create needed systematic change through intentional design and redesign of equitable services and supports to quickly identify and match to the needs of all students.
The evidence-based domains and features of the California MTSS framework provide opportunities for LEAs to strengthen school, family, and community partnerships while developing the whole child in the most inclusive, equitable learning environment thus closing the equity gaps for all students.
By embracing the Whole Child approach to teaching and learning, grounded in Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), and utilizing Implementation Science and Improvement Science for continuous improvement, the California MTSS framework lays the foundation for the statewide system of support. 
The California MTSS framework uses a whole system engagement to effectively link school, district, county, regional, state, and federal resources in efficient and innovative ways. By building local capacity aligned with the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals, the California MTSS framework builds on the strengths of those in the school community while mapping all resources to the effort. 
Students and Family are the purpose of our work and why we do what we do.
  • Schools have the most direct influence on students. They are the place of transformation.
  • District/LEA is the point of intervention, school-wide transformation, and improved student outcomes aren't possible without the support from the district.
  • County, Region, and State is the primary source of technical support for LEAs and schools to sustain the framework.                                            
  • For more information, please visit The California Department of Education MTSS or OCDE MTSS
MTSS – Education Services – Centralia Elementary School District