Dr. Wendy Molina-Solis, Director of MTSS
Kimberly Carrillo, Executive Secretary
Types of Assessments used in AUSD:
AUSD works with a team of teachers to develop summative benchmark assessments taken three times throughout the school year. beginning of year, mid-year and end of year. The purpose of these assessments is to gather overall information about where students are in terms of developing grade level standards. They provide data to determine who might need additional supports and allows us to see what types of instructional strategies we might need to implement in order to challenge or provide academic access.
Teachers also administer formative assessments. These are not as formal and may be done as often as daily. They can be as simple as a "thumbs up, thumbs down." These assessments help teachers analyze how well a child learned the lesson taught, allowing the teacher to reteach or review concepts not understood or move on with lessons, or challenge students when assessments demonstrate overall proficiency.
Some schools may administer additional assessments based on their school site goals and determined site needs.
Following is a list of the summative, District wide assessments used for the 2022-2023 school year:
TK-2: iReady Reading and Math and Writing Prompt
*BAS is optional/as needed as determined by teacher
3-5: iReady Reading and Math and Writing Prompt
*Reading Inventory is optional/as needed as determined by teacher
6-8: iReady Reading and Math and Writing Prompt
*Reading Inventory is optional/as needed as determined by teacher
9-11: Reading Inventory and Math Inventory
To learn more about our assessments, please visit the sites: