Elementary & Middle School Ethnic Studies
Dr. Wendy Molina-Solis, Director of MTSS
Kimberly Carrillo, Executive Secretary
The Elementary & Middle School Ethnic Studies in AUSD is embedded in English Language Arts and Social Studies. The content and extension activities suggestions are developed by a diverse group of teachers and educators represented from schools throughout the district. Since the 2021-2022 school year, Middle School Ethnic Studies Committee Members have met with the MTSS director to collaborate and plan age appropriate extension activities to appropriately expose our middle school students to topics they will eventually encounter in High School. In 2023-2024, Elementary School teachers joined the committee to add content for the K-5th grade classrooms.
The Elementary and Middle School Ethnic Studies Committee developed the following guiding principles following the California Department of Education's Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum and adapting it to be age appropriate for the students in elementary and middle school. These principles served as the guide and purpose as the committee works bringing enriching, relevant topics to the current core subjects which are embedded into an Elementary & Middle School Ethnic Studies Google Classroom for our teacher's use.
Guiding Principles
- Ensure the Elementary and Middle school age and perspective will be taken into consideration.
- Center on the experiences, histories, cultures, struggles and victories of Asian-Americans, Chicanos/Latinos, African-Americas, and Indigenous groups.
- Promote critical thinking about the complexity of the intersections of race with gender, class, sexuality and other systems of difference that have power effects and result in discrimination as a privilege.
- Focus on the experiences of specific ethnic/racial groups within American history and society with an emphasis on truth and healing through empathy and education. Start with ethnic cultures prevalent in our communities as an anchor.
- Promote social justice and social responsibility and empower students to become agents of change in their communities.