Mr. Fred L. Chang, President
Alhambra Unified School District
Board of Education, District 5
Elected November 2022 to a four-year term beginning
January 2023
Fred L. Chang’s path from the 13-year-old English learner who immigrated from Taiwan with his family to the East San Gabriel Valley to a devoted Alhambra USD parent and father of three has deeply influenced his passion for education and goals as a newly elected Board member. A private equity executive with 16 years of experience in the financial industry, Chang lives in Rosemead with his wife Monica, a music therapist and music performer, and their children, Kayla, aged five, Mason aged four, and one-year-old Maxwell.
His involvement as a Mandarin Dual Immersion Northrup parent for his newly enrolled kindergartener Kayla catalyzed Chang’s interest in using his leadership skills, team building, and accounting and budgeting talents to ensure the best outcomes for all AUSD students. “I want all teachers and administrators to have the tools, resources and training necessary to provide the finest education experience for our kids,” Chang said. “We need to use and apply our resources effectively and efficiently.”
Among his special areas of focus are expanding the offerings of STEAM classes and social emotional learning opportunities, promoting anti-bullying programs, building a TK-12 financial literacy curriculum, and upgrading and managing operations of aging school facilities. Chang also advocates for strengthened communication and clarity between the district, schools, students, and parents. He says, "As the father of three, I understand parents’ priorities.”
A graduate of UC Riverside with a MBA from Cal State Fullerton, Chang brings a solution-finding lens and strong listening skills to his work as an AUSD Board member. “Paramount to me is the input and feedback from the whole AUSD community,” Chang emphasizes. “We are in this together as parents, teachers, and administrators.”
If you wish to contact Mr. Fred L. Chang, please click here.