Board Members » Ms. Keiko Rakin, Student Board Member

Ms. Keiko Rakin, Student Board Member

Alhambra Unified School District

Student Board Member 2024-2025

Student Advisory Council 2023-2025


On August 27, 2024,  Keiko Rakin took her Oath of Office and became the second-ever Alhambra Unified School District (AUSD) Student Board Member. In this capacity, she also serves as chairperson of the 12 students elected to the District’s Student Advisory Council (SAC).

Keiko is a returning SAC member and a junior at Alhambra High School (AHS). Her passion for elevating student voice and creating community has driven her advocacy, education, and policy work. Keiko’s strong interest in writing and storytelling inspired her to start an international youth organization: Young Authors’ Alliance, where she and other youth educate, inspire, and uplift teens in the literary arts. Her devotion to education and social change grew during her freshman year when Keiko joined Alhambra High School’s Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) team, School Site Council, and other student organizations. Keiko characterizes her time on SAC thus far as informative and life-changing, opening insight into how education policies are created and the critical importance of the students’ voices. 

In addition to her role as AUSD Student Board Member and SAC Chairperson, Keiko holds several leadership roles at AHS and in the community. She is currently president of the Creative Writers Crew, president of the library service club, vice president of Film Study and Production, and cross country captain. She is also a member of speech and debate, and is a varsity track and field athlete. Additionally, she is a USC Shoah Foundation Jr. Intern, a graduate of Assemblymember Mike Fong’s Young Leaders program, and is involved with other organizations focused on writing, politics, advocacy, and social change. 

Keiko plans to continue her work in public policy, advocacy, and writing and wants to be a human rights lawyer, politician, and author. Keiko is committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and open environment for students to express their thoughts and concerns. She hopes to expand more mental health resources to the elementary and middle schools, grow the TUPE (Tobacco Use Prevention Education) programs at the high schools, and create more outreach to homeless and foster care youth. As Student Board Member, Keiko represents almost 15,000 AUD students and will work closely with the members of the Student Advisory Council to ensure student voices are represented.